Finger swollen

Hand oil and fingers from hand wrists, crushing, pain or swelling - name of this problem is Karpal Tanel Syndrome. The trend of girls is three times higher. In particular, during pregnancy, this problem often occurs.

Why is that?
There is a small tunnel in the wrist, whose name is Karpala Tunnel. This tunnel enters the various veins and nerves. One of these is the Syrian Nerve. For some reason, this kind of problems arise due to the pressure of this nerve. It may be due to swelling, water accumulation or stress. After pregnancy and menopause, women are more likely to have this problem. Increases the risk of thyroid problems, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus-related diseases. Sometimes due to repeated tasks of the same type of work (such as stitching, knitting, playing golf or playing violin) pressured on the tunnel. Obesity is one of the reasons.

What medical treatment
Carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated in many ways. Such as painkillers or nerve pain reduction medicines, rest, spontaneous or physiotherapy. Sometimes surgery may also be needed. Control blood sugar. Take care not to have thyroid problems.

How to reduce
it Those who work on desk, write or type on a computer, they can take a break after 15 minutes. The arm's arm is resting on the working time. Fix table and hand spacing. Take time to relax your exercise by typing or writing. Stretch your hands firmly, stretch the whole hand after a few seconds and stretch your hand. If you wish, you can use a squiggly ball in this exercise.

Anyone can have the problem of foot swelling. It is not a disease itself, but a sign of inherent problem. Usually, when the fluid is deposited in the tissue, this problem arises. Eidima Bill There may be problems due to swelling of the legs for various reasons such as extra weight, sitting or standing for a long time, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), nutritional deficiency, lack of physical exposure and low blood circulation etc.
There may be problems in foot, ankle or foot injury due to any type of injury or surgery. Those who have diabetes, have heart problems, have kidney or liver disease, and pregnant women have the tendency to be having this problem. If this problem increases, it is uncomfortable to walk or stand. There are other symptoms that can be seen with pain in the legs, pain, irritation, and redness. Fortunately there are many effective and domestic ways in which it is possible to cure leg swelling. Now let's not know those ways.

1. Reverse jurisdiction Cold and hot water therapy is one of the most effective ways to reduce the swelling in your feet. Where the hot water increases blood circulation and cool water helps in reducing swelling and burning. Two types of buckets or gumla will be required for this type of water treatment. Take one cold water and the other with warm water Dip your legs 3-4 minutes in hot water bucket. Then put your feet out of the hot water and keep it in cool water for 1 minute. In this way, make 15-20 minutes in phases Repeat this process several times a day until your feet get relieved.

2. Massaged The best way to massage legs is to remedy foot problems. It helps to relax or soften the muscles of the affected area by applying pressure to the affected area and improves blood circulation. It also promotes extra fluid extraction and reduces swelling. Massive oil or olive oil massage slightly in the affected area Slowly raise the feet from the bottom of the foot to the bottom. Do not put too much pressure. Do this so many times a day. Massaging after bathing or bathing is the best result.

3. Lift the legs As the water swells due to the accumulation of water, it is possible to get rid of this problem if the water extraction is done. That's why you have to arrange your swollen legs upwards. Keep your feet in such high heights, from the heart to the top As a result, the strained water can be drained and the swelling of the legs will be reduced. Do this 4-5 times a day and keep it every hour for one hour.

4. Lemon water Lemon water plays excess fluid and poisonous substances in the body, which helps in reducing the swelling of the legs. It helps keep the body hydrated and has its anti-inflammatory benefits. Mix 2 tablespoons lemon juice in 1 cup warm hot water Sweet honey can be mixed with a little honey Drink this drink a few times a day

5. T-tree oil To reduce the swelling Tea Tree works excellent. T-tree oils like other Essential Oils do not need to thin. It can be used directly on the skin.

6. Healthy food Saline is needed for the proper functioning of the body, but excess salt helps in accumulating water. So avoid taking excess salt. Caffeine is also accused of the same crime. So there is a need to limit the level of coffee consumption. Talk to a doctor if you have frequent problems in your feet and have pain. Because it may be a sign of any other health problem that requires timely treatment.

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