White Spots On Skin | How To Get Rid Of White Spots On Face In A weeK
Thousands of people suffering from the disease in the country and abroad. This disease is one of a year are running ten-fifteen years from which the disease. But many times, many medical and lack of proper treatment and lack of proper knowledge and application in disease can't escape from. In this article we have tried to highlight the correct information before you, so that you know about the subject can take action accordingly. Bers disease victims knew their pain with this little offering. At the end of this article for more Islamisation of the disease have been described. These different methods of recovery from the disease is about. You are free from this disease and help to get rid of the disease to others to share the news-that is our desire.
While going to white skin in the Vitiligo. Hands, legs, face, lips, eyes, this could be in different parts of the body, including around. Correct this problem because the skin is still not known. Experts think it may be because of autoimmune deesourdarer. As a result of which the immune system produces melanin cells, i.e. the own melanocitcay. In addition, other factors could be responsible to them are genetic tendency, stress, vitamin deficiency and the effect of its referred to as bi12, etc. In addition, fungi infection, eczema, and other skin problems due to soriyasis.
An embarrassing disease the disease person sweti confidence. "It's hard to remove white spots of the skin. But do not despair if detected while sweti primary healing is possible. To identify causes of disease and its symptoms sweti analysis is important. Of any age man can be Vitiligo. However, people tend to be dark skin. This problem is not the life sanhari of the skin and is not contagious.
Natural elements of this disease through the tackle. Let us know about the natural ingredients either.
Coconut Oil :
1. Coconut oil can fight bacteria and fungi, inflamessioner coconut oil. As well as the structure of melanin helps in coconut oil. Day 2-3 days to two weeks, see using upgrade.
2. Ginger blood circulation improvement in ginger. It also helps to stimulate emission of melanin. Rub with a piece of ginger in the affected areas or keep some ginger juice with ginger tentle. Apart from applying twice a day ginger tea.
3. Copper copper production of melanin increases. Keep all common temperature water in a copper pot. Drink this on an empty stomach in the morning panituku. To increase the production of melanin to drink water every day.
4. Red clay red soil with high copper. Red clay mixed with the juice of ginger in the affected area. Good results using it every day until you get.
5. Neem Neem skin works great problems. The blood pure and the ability to help increase immune Neem. A few neem leaves with the buttermilk with tentle viscosities. This mixture is part of white on the skin for a while. Wash dries. A couple of weeks use it daily.
Keep your food at alongside of them. Those diseases are peach sweti fruits to avoid advice. Because this kind of result that works as a natural ranjakarodhy material hydrochinnon. Vitamin b 12, folic acid and zinc rich food. Avoid red meat and sea food.
Bers disease can be anyone. All parts of our body parts are open usually shine. This disease is also called shwetkustha or white disease in the countryside.
Bers concepts and many in our society about the disease and adverse superstition. Scientists can know the specific cause of this disease is not yet. Currently, approximately 10 million people around the world suffering from this disease.
Many bers disease and leprosy as well. This is completely wrong. Bers or white is not a contagious disease and disease and most cases with the help of treatment the patient completely healthy.
Bers diseases because :
It is not a dangerous disease. It is possible to confirm specific reasons are still shwetiroger. However, the following reasons this disease:
* Genetic reason some may have this disease. Again, in some cases even after a few generations from disease.
* Synthetic camical used in cosmetics or allergic reactions from national stuff can shine.
* Glasses frames more tight if it from the nose or ear sides white.
* If the lack of immunity in the body.
* Sun burnt skin or may be from stress.
* In many cases on the forehead and from synthetic reading tip can be the beginning of shine.
* Long plastic or rubber shoes, watches, etc. as a result of the use and bers or other skin problems.
Symptoms and prefixes :
bers or white sees the symptoms of the disease and symptoms, the presence of this disease easily gets ideas about. For example, white spots on the skin, hair, eyes, little petals, white or gray eyebrows or beard, the inside of the mouth tissue should be colorless or eye color change in HIV: showers or if ranghina will take over those who may be suffering from the disease are white.History of disease and medical experiments required :
Family history of the disease can decide that. Normally, a laboratory test is just the symptoms of the disease are diagnosed. If necessary a doctor again skin byopsy, blood test or examination of the eyes.Medical :
bers take a lot of time-wasting treatments can heal fully again. 75 percent from General 50 patients with the disease is completely cured. Shine treatment of patients for a long time for faculty to wait. Hairy parts of the body, in many cases, successful treatment, but in which there is no hair, such as fingers, lips etc may take a long time for treatment. Again, in many cases, the patient can heal itself.According to the advice of a doctor for proper treatment must take medicine ointment. All medical procedures do not give the same results for everyone. Treatment method selection of patient age, location and range of looks. Bers for the treatment that all medicines are used, it is found in Bangladesh.
Requires the patient age, disease duration, location of disease and baptivedede treatment method is selected. In that case, if the disease Vitiligo, Vitiligo, primary State Recap Cream Natural Natural Medicine doctors, including some in the name of the command Harbs regular consumption. This treatment it is possible to heal from bers and slowly across nearly a thousand more than the patient to heal.
In the case of treatment of disease bers who took medication will it could go directly to perfect. However, if it is not possible due to your country through a district courier service within three days from the two medicine can take. The value of each course of drugs a month, 2350/money.
White spots of the disease so that the problem could be :
White spots of skin diseases is just a character but it doesn't harm others health. In this disease there is no mrityuzhunkio. However, patients generally cannot tolerate the heat of the Sun or fire. When the disease first appears and a small white spots spots contains large match later. Sometimes mothers and children born with the disease. Many diseases in society and superstition prevalent misconceptions. So in many cases the disease is acute mental problems in patients.Finally :
A variety of skin diseases bers space white. It is not a contagious disease. If you are not a problem as the body of this disease and patients face many problems in society. For example, well-known people, although a him anywhere to answer questions about it. Many of the questions roll. Case biashadeer problems again. Many white patients do not want to merge with hands do not want or do not want to marry hug the family. Many white shine, disease or leprosy. Although it is complete hogwash. This will raise awareness about the disease.Step :
onstipation if blame must be removed. Kitten milk, butter, snehjatia, fruit juice and other nutritious food to eat more. Better stay clean.What do more :
green beans, turnips, Palm khurma, epricott, fenugreek, spinach, figs, green shakshabji, mango, onion, pistachios, potatoes, pure ghee, Mula, red pepper, vegetables, walnut, wheatDo not eat at all that :
black Berry, Orange, blue berries, alcohol, butter, cashew, chocolate, sea bass, garlic, grapes, guava, lemon, sea food, Pepe tailjat, pear, barai, beef meat, any national soft drink soda (such as Pepsi, coke, 7-up, etc), tomatoes, watermelon. Smoking, alcohol consumption, ugramshalayukt food example.Lifestyle related :
Tight fitting skin spots, like sthitisthapak, that must be what raktasanwan skin problem. To avoid the initial course, itching. No injuries new patch must increase. Plastic and rubber wear should avoid. Plastic ornament, Bindi or skin should avoid any stickers.Please note that this restriction only in the interest of our treatment. You can eat on a regular basis again finished the treatment.
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