Digestive System Function | Digestive System Part
(Digestive System Function | Digestive System Part)
At the end of the article, you will be able to describe - actually the process of digestion and how it works (digestive function, parts) and not the actual way. Let's start by discussing each step.
Process of digestive system
Digestive system - People's digestive system plays two important roles. One diet is to digest and the second food is absorbed. The process of digestion means that our bodies actually break down macromolecules among their organizers.
We have two types of digestive system:
- Mechanical digestion
- Chemical digestion
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Mechanical digestion - The process of mechanical digestion through which we mean breaking down large food particles in small food particles (food chewing). This will increase the earth's surface on which digestive enzymes can actually work on. So, inside the oral cavity, we have mechanical digestion.
Chemical digestion - The process of chemical digestion through which our digestive proteolytic enzymes actually refers to macromolecule food molecules work and break among their organizers. They add bonds through the process of hydrolyzes so inside or around the oral cavity.
The digestive function
Digestion Function in Humans - digest specific organs for digestion by taking food from the mouth. Exhausted food is defecated. The food we take is transmitted through a specific canal which begins with the mouthpiece and ends at the rectum. This canal is called the primary canal or digestive tract.
Digestive parts
Primary canal paths -
- Face
- Pineapple (food pipe)
- Stomach
- Bldg
- Small intestine
- Anus and caller
(Digestive System Function | Digestive System Part)
The food gradually gets digested, such as transmitted through different parts of the track. Nutritious juice is secreted by salivary gland, liver, and pancreas also help digestion.
Face and mouth
People are eaten with food. This process of food intake is called diet. Chewing diet is very necessary for the proper digestion of the digestive process itself.
What will be the time of chewing?
A large piece of food is broken down mechanically small pieces we eat. Tooth is helping us do so.
Saliva Action
Mixing time with milk redness. Saliva saliva is released from the joints of the jaw between the tongue and the teeth. Mommy changes the starch in the sugar and softens the food.
Food taste can be detected by taste buds present in the tongue. The tongue is attached to the floor of a meaty muscular limb. It makes free front and moves in all directions. Taste buds appear as small bumps in the tongue and there are different areas which help us to enjoy different tastes.
Cannabis or food pipe
The food seized from the mouth passes on the esophagus. Algebra, which flaats behind the tongue, dictates food in the enamel and prevents the entry into the nervous system. Enanalal's unconventional movement helps food to move down the track until it reaches the stomach.
A bag like stomach structure with a thick wall. It's a flattened flat shape (letter) and the primary canal is a wide range. The food enters the stomach is thrown and that there is a mix with mucus. Hydrochloric acid and digestive juices are secreted by the inner lining of the stomach. Acid bacteria help kill the present in the food. It also makes medium acidic in the stomach. The ingredients that break down proteins in the simplest substances are excreted by stomach.
Then the food becomes empty in the small intestine.
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