Is diabetes prohibited to eat vegetables under the soil?

Q: Is diabetes prohibited to eat vegetables under the soil?
Answer: Some vegetables produced below the soil contain more sugar content, such as potato, kachi, carrots etc.

Because diabetics are asked to reduce the carbohydrate, they can limit them. But remember to eat moderately is not forbidden. Although there is still aquifer, there is no more sugar in radish, salogam, onion, garlic, ginger etc. So the prohibition of eating vegetables below the soil is not completely true.

Some vegetables produced under the soil are high in sugar, such as potatoes, peas, carrots etc. Because diabetics are asked to reduce the carbohydrate, they can limit them. But remember to eat moderately is not forbidden.

Although there is still aquifer, there is no more sugar in radish, salogam, onion, garlic, ginger etc. So the prohibition of eating vegetables below the soil is not completely true.

As the result of the vegetables under the soil, the carbohydrates remain as a starch, which is good for health. It is not prohibited to eat diabetic patients all the vegetables under the soil. We eat many vegetables below the soil, which are as nutritious as they are rich in nutrients. However, playing these more moderate levels increases the levels of sugar and uric acid acceptance, arthritis etc.

Because diabetics are asked to reduce the carbohydrate, they can limit them. But eating moderately does not mean prohibited. For example, in the words of potato, potatoes are the most popular among the soil's own vegetables.

Almost all the people of the country eat potatoes. It contains high quality carbohydrates, lots of nutrients. Vitamin A and Vitamin D are all essential vitamins and minerals, which are found in less potato. In the food grains, the vegetables and nutrition show more vegetables than barley, flour and more. But this is exactly the point, potato glacieric index is a little more.

It can increase the level of sugar in the body of diabetic patients by playing it too much. Although sweet potatoes are sweet, its glycemic index is lower than normal potatoes. Although vegetables under the soil are not grown, but the carrots do not grow too much. So the following vegetables are not allowed to eat the following vegetables, this is not exactly true.

However, since diabetic patients, according to the amount of sugar in their blood, a physician may be able to tell them what to eat and what is not. But not only for diabetic patients, I think it is applicable to everyone, that "eating is moderate"

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